Sunday, January 18, 2009

A is for Alibi

A is for Alibi by Sue Grafton

Confession time: I love a murder mystery, crime novel or legal thriller. I haven't met a version of CSI, Law and Order or Without A Trace that I didn't love and I haven't found a John Grisham, James Patterson-esque novel I didn't devour. So my latest project is to read the alphabet series by Sue Grafton from A to Z (or T because that is as far as she has written.) I was very happy to realize the local library has all of them sitting in a pretty little row so I checked out A-D and am well on my way.

A is for Alibi introduces Kinsey Millhone who I must admit I adore immediately. She is a twice-divorced, rebellious, minimalist who prides herself on being a good liar and, oh yeah, solves mysteries. Its like Nancy Drew all grown up with an attitude and I love her.

In A Kinsey is hired by a woman just out of prison for the murder of her husband to find out who actually murdered her husband. Turns out there were lots of people who wanted the guy dead but it wasn't his wife and it wasn't his supposed mistress who was also murdered.

Kinsey gets tripped up when she starts sleeping with the dead guys former business partner. She figures out the ex killed the guy but the trick is that his business partner killed the supposed mistress to cover up his embezzlement. And he nearly kills Kinsey when she figures it out but she kills him instead. Just another day in the office.

Favorite quote: "You try to keep life simple, but in the end it never works, and all you have is yourself."

This book counts toward my Library Challenge and First in a Series

Other reviews
Robin from My Two Blessings
Dorte H


Desert Rose said...

Just added your link in my review :)

Landon Harrison said...

I enjoy how Kinsey Millhone's character seems like an intriguing blend of Nancy Drew with more mature complexities.

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