Today's assignment: What preconceived notions do you have of the book as a first time reader? What have you heard about it? What do you anticipate going into it? Why do you want to read it?
This is where my answer will be different then everyone else because I am on the only one in the book club who has read the book before. I honestly can't remember what my feelings were going in to the book but I read the book at a time in my life where I sort of felt like I was falling apart. They were not good times, and there was something about reading this book, about another woman going through the same thing that was incredibly powerful. I don't know if I would love this book nearly as much if I read it at a different time in my life, a time like now when everything is more pulled together.
Now, I anticipate that there will be people in the book club who don't love it as fiercely as I do, and there may be people who don't even like it and that is fine. I also can't wait to re-read it now, I have read it multiple times, and I often go back to it when I am having a tough day and just read some of my favorite passages but it will be interesting to read it cover to cover and discuss it now and see how differently I feel about it.
There will be EPL Book Club posts on July 8, July 11, July 20 and July 31. Also be on the lookout for a special vlog that I will do to show you my worn and ragged, but loved, copy of the book in the next few days.
Head over to The Book Vixen and see what everyone else is anticipating from the book.
I love the fact that you go back to it when you're having a tough day. It's exciting that it means so much to you. I'm really looking forward to this. :)
Thanks so much for joining in with us! Lol it feels like we've got a mentor taking care of us. :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday! I've been reading it every possible moment I can since yesterday morning....which wasn't a whole lot of time (my brother was moving) but small chunk that I've read I LOVE!
Hearing your excitement about this book makes me even more excited! This book club is happening for me at a time in my life where I need some guidance as well, and I can't wait to share this experience with you, and the rest of the group! Happy Reading!
I get chills every time I hear you praise this book! You definitely were the push I needed to read this book.
I can't wait to see your copy of EPL in your blog :)
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